Absolute Freedom: Shiva Sutra 3.13
“From earth to Anāśrita Śiva all beings are dependent on the conscious being, Śiva…The singularly unique aspect of Lord Śiva is complete independence, svātantrya. This complete independence is not found anywhere except in the state of Lord Śiva.” We usually think of independence as ‘freedom from dependance on anything’, but according to the Sutras, only shiva can be free from dependance on anything. So how can we be free? From the perspective of our small self, we can’t—because that perspective is always separate from it’s true nature, and when we’re separate from our Shiva Nature, we’re bound. Through our practice, though, we unite with Shiva, and experience absolute Freedom. In this class we’ll explore a few distinct vantage points and practices to help us realize the vastness of this promise.