Ancient Yoga Teachings,
Vibrant Yoga Practice.
ShambhavAnanda and Faith Stone, Founders of ShambahvAnanda Yoga, in front of their Hawaii Sangha.
In 1975, Sri Shambhavananda led a small group of yogis to Boulder, Colorado…
They opened the first vegetarian restaurant in the area and named it in honor of their spiritual teacher, Swami Rudrananda. For them, the restaurant was more than just an eatery- it was an arena for their spiritual growth. Sri Shambhavananda taught them how to use the challenges of running the restaurant to grow spiritually. By living, meditating, and working together they flourished. The success of the restaurant, and later, a bakery, afforded them the means to build their dream of a Yoga Ashram- a place where people could go to experience the yogic tradition through nourishing retreats, asana practice, meditation, and seva (selfless service).
Faith Stone, wife of Sri ShambhavAnanda and student of Swami Rudrananda, would go on to become an acclaimed chef in Colorado, authoring numerous cook books. She is also an internationally recognized Sacred Art maker, and has been featured in numerous group and solo exhibitions, as well as published books on Thangka painting and Tibetan Style Drawing. She is a mother figure to all who enter the yoga ashram and continuously works to bring Sacred Arts to new levels within the ashram, and to share her gifts of Sacred Art with the world (You can see her work at
At a time in America when yoga’s popularity outshines its original purpose, ShambhavAnanda Yoga stands as a living example of timeless teachings in the present-day. Sri Shambhavananda inspires students to combine hard work with heart work and use the practice of meditation to rise above and grow from the everyday challenges of life. In it, all ages, races and genders find harmony as they reach inwards towards their true nature, The Inner Self.
Shoshoni Yoga Retreat
ShambhavAnanda Yoga’s 250 Acre residential retreat center 8500 ft. in the Rocky Mountains. Truly the most magical place on earth.
The Roots of ShambhavAnanda Yoga…
are the result of over 100 years spiritual practice and 4 generations of meditation mastery. From the misty jungles of India in the early 1900’s, to the urban jungles of Manhattan in the 1970s, to the Rocky Mountains and the Hawaii Islands of today, the lineage of ShambhavAnanda Yoga has spent lifetimes creating sacred spaces for seekers to practice yoga, as well as empowering those practices with Shakti, spiritual energy, to enable real and lasting Inner Growth.
“The Heart is the Hub of All Holy Places, Go There and Roam In It.”
Bhagavan Nityananda, Root Guru of ShambhavAnanda Yoga
>>Nityananda was born in the late 1800’s and was considered enlightened in his early teens. He established his Yoga Ashram in Ganeshpuri, a small town in Northern India. He helped them dig a well and set up an infirmary, and then established his ashram, and remained there for the rest of his life. It is said that 1,000-2,000 people per day would travel to see, and be seen, by Nityananda— a Hindu tradition called ‘Darshan’. Nityananda was established in the Shambhava state throughout his life, with eyes open he was completely immersed in the Inner Self.<<
The philosophy of ShambhavAnanda Yoga…
has it’s roots in the teachings of Kashmir Shaivism, a 1,000 year old non-dualistic tradition that views God, or Shiva, as the true nature of all sentient beings. The practices of yoga and meditation are the means for removing the ‘obscurations’ that veil our true nature, enabling us to “recognize” who we really are. This true nature, your true nature, is described as Sat-Chit-Ananda, pure being (Sat) infused with perfect consciousness (Chit) and radiant bliss (Ananda).
“The Truth is that the joy you find in all things is simply the reflection of Joy of your own Inner Self.”
-Swami Muktananda, Lineage teacher of ShambhavAnanda Yoga and student of Nityananda
>>Swami Muktananda was a student of Nityananda and teacher of ShambhavAnanda. Born in 1908, he took vows of Sannyas, monk’s vows, in his early teens and devoted his life to practice. Later in his life he would become a disciple of Nityananda, and would later become India’s first Jagad-Guru, a World Guru, spreading the teachings of the Yogic tradition and establishing Yoga Ashrams across the world. It is from Swami Muktananda that the ShambhavAnanda Tradition received it’s devotional Hindu practices of Kirtan (devotional chanting), Mantra (Sacred Sound Repetition), and so much more.<<
Eldorado Yoga Ashram
Set against the foothills of the Rockies, and home to the most incredible Yoga Kids Camp on the planet, Eldorado Yoga Ashram is ShambhavAnanda’s offering to the community for daily and weekly practice.
The term ‘Shambhava’, in Sanskrit, means…
“With Senses Open, Awareness Within,” which refers to the ability to recognize our true nature while in the midst of our life. Through the practice of ShambhavAnanda Yoga you not only learn to recognize your true nature throughout your day, but to surrender the challenges and distractions of your day in order to re-establish your inner connection— a process that yields powerful spiritual growth. It’s a profound practice that anyone can use to transform their life, become happier and more functional.
“The Wish to Grow is the Most Powerful Force in the Universe.”
-Swami Rudrananda, Guru of ShambhavAnanda and student of Nityananda and Muktananda
>>Swami Rudrananda was born in 1928 in Brooklyn, New York. He was adamant that we must learn to use the present circumstances of our lives to grow, and that everything in your life must become fuel for your growth. He made the city of New York his Jungle, establishing his ashram right in the middle of Manhattan during the 1960’s and 70’s. Rudi, as he was affectionately known, taught how to transform the tensions of everyday life into rich spiritual fuel through the practice of Surrender. Swami Rudrananda was a spiritual force that forever changed the trajectory of ShambhavAnanda’s life, and so many others, for which we are so incredibly grateful.<<
“The Happiness and Perfection You Seek is as Close as Your Breath.”
— His Holiness Rishi Maha Mandaleshwar Sri ShambhavAnanda, Founder of ShambhAvananda Yoga.
Sri Shambhavananda is a blazing flame of inspiration…
and a constant source of spiritual energy for his students. He challenges the idea that spirituality is somehow removed from the world we live in, teaching that all the myriad conditions of our lives can be transformed into great joy through spiritual work. He describes ShambhavAnanda Yoga as the direct experience and insight into one’s true inner nature, available to anyone who is ready to surrender the distractions of the mind and open their heart.
Sri Shambhavananda has nourished the growth of devoted students across the world for over fifty years. He has founded three thriving ashrams, published three books, and inspired the development of numerous ShambhavAnanda Yoga Centers. He welcomes you to come visit the sacred spaces he has created, learn about the practices of ShambhavAnanda Yoga, and discover how to lead a life of conscious growth.