Live-Online: Saturdays, March 1st-May 3rd, 2025
In-Hawaii: June 2025
Step Into Feeling.
Awaken Foundation.
Engage with the Hidden World Underneath, and Within, You.
Grounded Grace
Rediscover your physical and subtle roots, bridging movement and mindfulness for a transformative experience. Through practices like walking meditation, retinaculum activation, and explorations of your back line and feet, you’ll learn how grounding your body unlocks deeper awareness and inner stability.
Discover the Turya State
Turya Consciousness is the hidden current of awareness beneath everything we feel, think, and do—always present, yet just beyond reach. Like the back line of the body in a forward fold, it isn’t something we force, but something we awaken to through surrender. When we stop grasping and start allowing, this fourth state of awareness emerges naturally, transforming the way we move, think, and experience life itself.
Walk into Awareness
With a focus on functional movement, we’ll delve into essential biomechanics—reawakening your connection to the earth while fostering a profound awareness of your inner self. Whether it’s mastering Vitamin G (uneven terrain walking), enhancing hip stability, or cultivating the witness state, this training will redefine how you move through life, both physically and spiritually.
How We Find Your Feet
A Few Exercises from this Module
Talus Rocking for Ankle Stability: Explore activating the arch of your foot by gently rolling the talus bone to find balance and connection, revealing a deeper understanding of foot architecture.
Tippy Toe Pulses with Deep Core: Engage in tippy toe pulses while integrating deep core activation to enhance foot stability and strength.
Vajrasana Foot Stretch Prep and Variations: Learn how to explore healthy ankle mobility to enhance functional movements like walking, running, squatting and jumping!
Backline Awakening Sequence: learn to coordinate the muscles from feet to head to restore balance, grounding, and support, counteracting front-focused tendencies and offering a new perspective on posture and movement.
Flossing the Retinaculum: Wake up your high-speed processors to improve proprioception, balance, and coordination.
Understanding Uneven Surfaces: Gain insight into navigating and adapting to uneven surfaces, fostering better proprioception and stability.
Student Spotlight: Jouiliana
“I feel more calm and connected inside with each training that I take with Konalani. My hips feel stronger, my body more stable and whole. Doing the Roots training has helped me find my ‘ground’. I feel more free. Thank you Abhaya and Satyam, you are the most amazing teachers I could ask for.”
-Jouliana T. (Jouliana teaches At-Risk and Special Needs Youth in Hawaii, as well manages multiple Organic Farms)
Back Line Awakening
Rediscover the power of your back line through purposeful, integrative movement. From Swimming Shalabhasana to strengthen the glutes, to Spinal Roll-Up Progressions that engage the entire back line, and Single-Leg Bridge to stabilize hips, you’ll transform how you move and feel. Harness eccentric tone in postures like Virabhadrasana 3 and Ardha Hanumanasana to protect your body while awakening deeper awareness and strength.
A Spiritual Warrior of Surrender
Being a spiritual warrior isn’t about pushing harder—it’s about knowing when to pause, feel, and reconnect while moving through the world. Yoga often encourages us to stretch our limits, but true strength comes from moving with awareness, not force. Through Anusamdhitsa, the art of pausing to realign while in motion, you’ll cultivate deeper strength, greater stability, and a more powerful connection to your body—allowing you to move through life with clarity, resilience, and the ability to uplift others along the way.
Heal Your Hips
Modern Yoga’s emphasis on overstretching the hips can lead to joint laxity, injuries, and long-term damage, especially for women. Instead of chasing extreme flexibility, this training focuses on mindful movement and building stable strength through exercises like Buoyant Parighasana for balanced hip support and Floating Goddess for integrated, buoyant alignment. By prioritizing stability over stretching, you’ll protect your hips, deepen your practice, and move with greater awareness and ease.
How We Awaken Your Backline
A Few Exercises from this Module
Buoyant Parighasana: Cultivate balanced thigh support, enliven the hip socket, and extend your lunge's range of motion, all while fostering buoyancy and integrated body awareness.
Floating Goddess: Refine your squat depth and quality in Goddess pose, enhance bodily integration, and nurture a sense of buoyancy and support, focusing especially on deep front line sensations.
Skandasana: Enhance core stability and introduce lateral and asymmetric movements to your practice, all while maintaining core integrity to improve flexibility and strength in your hips, knees, and ankles.
Atlas Twist: Activate your body's entire spiral line, gain insights into dynamic stability, and improve balance and joint comfort in high lunge twists through the principles of buoyant hips.
Malasana: Alleviate knee strain by awakening robust glute and hip support, enabling practitioners to deepen their pose experience without knee discomfort.
Supported Supta Baddhakonasana: Instill deep relaxation and internal stability by aligning the femurs mindfully into the hip sockets with thigh and hip support.
Your Deep & Buoyant Core
Discover the hidden hydraulic power of your deep core, a network of muscles from your toes to your tongue that creates effortless stability and fluid motion. Through practices like the big toe to glute spiral, pelvic floor integration, and dynamic asanas, this training transforms your posture and enhances your movement. Experience how awakening your core brings strength, ease, and grace to every step you take.
Transform Samskaras into Freedom
Just as the sun burns away the morning clouds, the heat of inner awareness dissolves the samskaras that obscure your true self. Through meditation, movement, and surrender, you’ll learn to transform past patterns into fuel for clarity, freedom, and an all-pervasive joy. This is the path of true awakening—where every challenge becomes an opportunity to rise, expand, and step into the limitless potential of your being.
Break Free of Your Seat
Modern life has us sitting for hours, creating tight hips, poor posture, and health risks akin to smoking. But sitting itself isn’t the problem—it’s how we sit and the unconscious patterns, or samskaras, that keep us stuck. Through exercises like Quadricep Glide to release tension, Nordic Rock Backs to stabilize the pelvis, and fluid Eka Pada Kapotasana variations to strengthen and elongate the hip flexors, this training teaches you to move with awareness. By reconditioning your body to move dynamically and efficiently, you’ll restore mobility, improve posture, and rediscover a healthier way to sit, stand, and thrive.
How We Buoy Your Core
A Few Exercises from this Module
• Quadricep Glide: Release tension in the thighs while improving hip mobility and stabilizing the pelvis for easeful movement.
• Nordic Rock Backs: Strengthen your core and psoas as you refine pelvic positioning, promoting a neutral spine and enhanced stability.
• Diagonal Stretch with Banking Variation: Build core strength, elongate the lateral body, and stabilize your posture, starting from a supportive low lunge.
• Hula Hoops: Awaken pelvic buoyancy, improve hip joint mobility, and cultivate fluid, dynamic lower-body movement with enhanced alignment.
• Atlas Twist: Unlock the spiral line of the body, improve mobility and stability, and alleviate joint strain with buoyant hip-supported twisting in a high lunge.
• Supportive Lizards: Protect and open your hips with a modified Lizard pose that emphasizes core engagement and buoyancy over overstretching.
• Psoas Release: Gently massage and activate the psoas muscle to deepen core stability, improve pelvic mobility, and release spinal tension for greater flexibility.
• Diagonal Stretch: Strengthen and stretch the psoas muscle with lateral spinal movement, unlocking mobility and extension in the lumbar region.