Talus Rocking for Ankle Stability: Explore activating the arch of your foot by gently rolling the talus bone to find balance and connection, revealing a deeper understanding of foot architecture.
Tippy Toe Pulses with Deep Core: Engage in tippy toe pulses while integrating deep core activation to enhance foot stability and strength.
Vajrasana Foot Stretch Prep and Variations: Learn how to explore healthy ankle mobility to enhance functional movements like walking, running, squatting and jumping!
Backline Awakening Sequence: learn to coordinate the muscles from feet to head to restore balance, grounding, and support, counteracting front-focused tendencies and offering a new perspective on posture and movement.
Flossing the Retinaculum: Wake up your high-speed processors to improve proprioception, balance, and coordination.
Understanding Uneven Surfaces: Gain insight into navigating and adapting to uneven surfaces, fostering better proprioception and stability.
Buoyant Parighasana: Cultivate balanced thigh support, enliven the hip socket, and extend your lunge's range of motion, all while fostering buoyancy and integrated body awareness.
Floating Goddess: Refine your squat depth and quality in Goddess pose, enhance bodily integration, and nurture a sense of buoyancy and support, focusing especially on deep front line sensations.
Skandasana: Enhance core stability and introduce lateral and asymmetric movements to your practice, all while maintaining core integrity to improve flexibility and strength in your hips, knees, and ankles.
Atlas Twist: Activate your body's entire spiral line, gain insights into dynamic stability, and improve balance and joint comfort in high lunge twists through the principles of buoyant hips.
Malasana: Alleviate knee strain by awakening robust glute and hip support, enabling practitioners to deepen their pose experience without knee discomfort.
Supported Supta Baddhakonasana: Instill deep relaxation and internal stability by aligning the femurs mindfully into the hip sockets with thigh and hip support.
• Quadricep Glide: Release tension in the thighs while improving hip mobility and stabilizing the pelvis for easeful movement.
• Nordic Rock Backs: Strengthen your core and psoas as you refine pelvic positioning, promoting a neutral spine and enhanced stability.
• Diagonal Stretch with Banking Variation: Build core strength, elongate the lateral body, and stabilize your posture, starting from a supportive low lunge.
• Hula Hoops: Awaken pelvic buoyancy, improve hip joint mobility, and cultivate fluid, dynamic lower-body movement with enhanced alignment.
• Atlas Twist: Unlock the spiral line of the body, improve mobility and stability, and alleviate joint strain with buoyant hip-supported twisting in a high lunge.
• Supportive Lizards: Protect and open your hips with a modified Lizard pose that emphasizes core engagement and buoyancy over overstretching.
• Psoas Release: Gently massage and activate the psoas muscle to deepen core stability, improve pelvic mobility, and release spinal tension for greater flexibility.
• Diagonal Stretch: Strengthen and stretch the psoas muscle with lateral spinal movement, unlocking mobility and extension in the lumbar region.