Back Bending Asana Gifs
Bhujangasana (Cobra)
Primary Movement
Extension of the spine, feel the fingertips draw back to pulls snaps down the back.
Spiraling Exploration
Drawing large circles with your spine moves the work through all the muscles of your back
Bhujangasana- Snaking Exploration: eel the body work together here, not overdoing it— lengthening while you lift
Śalabasana (Locust)
Primary Movement
Take your time with this subtle engagement of the glutei, feel them turn on as you lift and off as you lower to floor
Ardha Dhanurasana-Primary Movement
Dhanurasana-primary movement from Cobra
Anjaneyasana-Setup from Kneeling
Anjaneyasana-Setup from Table
Anjaneyasana-Setup from Down Dog
Anjaneyasana-Hula Hoop Psoas Modification
Anjaneyasana-Primary Movement
Anjaneyasana-Waving Exploration
Ustrasana-Primary Movement 1
Ustrasana-Primary Movement 2
Ustrasana-Primary Movement into Posture
Eka Pada Kapotasana-Setup Front Angle
Eka Pada Kapotasana-Setup Side Angle
Eka pada kapotasana-Spiraling Exploration
Back bends that will be covered with Inversions
Matsyasana-Primary Movement
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana-Low Primary Movement
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana-High Primary Movement