Meditation: Breath Awareness

Week Four of keeping your practice going! Rise Up!

PLEASE NOTE: The first minute of the following meditation, “Surrendering Distractions of the Mind”, uses an analogy of ‘eating chips’ as a metaphor to help us gain perspective on a distracted mind— this is not meant to be in any way ‘judgey’ of eating habits, although I can definitely see that it could be taken that way. The yogic tradition tells us over and over again not to reject things that bring us joy, like chips, but rather to use those situations to bring our awareness to the heart. I say all of this because I know that many of us struggle with our relationship with food and eating, and want you know that if this is a trigger for you, please feel empowered to skip this meditation. Otherwise, I hope that this metaphor simply serves to bring your practice into your life in a real and practical way. Namaste, and thank you for your understanding.
