Witness/Shambhavi Mudra Project

Witness/Shambhavi Mudra Project:

Assignment Due: Sunday, December 22nd

Our project on The Witness and Shambhavi Mudra follows the same structure as our previous projects, consisting of three components: an essay, a self-recorded video presentation of the essay, and a guided meditation practice.

In addition to the project components, there is an additional Teaching Dharana assignment for this module, focusing on how to generate an outline. While we recognize that everyone has unique approaches to their work, we encourage you to create and submit a simple outline alongside your essay. This outline is meant to support both your writing and teaching processes. It can be very straightforward and should serve as a tool for mapping out your essay and inspiring your presentation.

The essay and presentation should clearly explain the concept of The Witness from the yogic tradition and its purpose in practice. You are welcome to include information about Shambhavi Mudra if it serves as a helpful way to illustrate or deepen the explanation of The Witness.

For the guided meditation practice, you may draw inspiration from examples of meditating on the Witness provided in the guided practices section, or focus on Shambhavi Mudra by guiding students to bring awareness into the heart while keeping the eyes open. Choose a practice that resonates most with you and that you feel will benefit your students.

Below, you’ll find a summary of the project guidelines we’ve followed so far, reiterating familiar information for reference. Thank you for your dedication and effort in these projects!

1. Written Essay on the Topic of the Witness/Shambhavi Mudra

Write a 500-word essay on this module’s topic of the Witness. The essay should reflect your personal experience, insights from curated resources, and the unique aspects of the Witness you’ve found beneficial. Post your essay in the comment section below this entry, this will allow your instructors to read the essay more fully and your fellow students to benefit from reading your work as well. Detailed instructions for recording and sharing your video presentation and guided practice will be provided below.

2. Self Recorded Video: Presentation of Essay on the Witness/Shambhavi Mudra

Before the start of class on Sunday, please record yourself presenting your essay, as if you were teaching it to a class. Detailed instructions for making this simple recording on your phone are provided below. Once recorded, upload your video to YouTube and share the link in the comments section along with your essay. This will allow everyone to view and provide feedback on each other’s work. Again, detailed instructions on this are written out below.

Present your essay as naturally as possible, aiming to connect with your audience. Try to speak from the heart rather than reading directly from the page, as if you were sharing this teaching in a live setting. We recognize that this level of comfort takes practice, but it’s an inspiring goal for us all to work toward.

3. Self Recorded Video: Guided Witness/Shambhavi Mudra Meditation Practice

After completing your five-minute presentation on the topic, you can smoothly transition into a guided practice lasting five to ten minutes, based on your preference. Ideally, you will utilize aspects of your presentation in the guided practice to give it even more depth. Through this shared experience, we’ll all have the opportunity to benefit from one another’s guidance and presence.


Post your essay, and outline, in the comment section below this entry, as well as the Link to your YouTube video presentation and guided meditation. This will allow your instructors to read the essay more fully and your fellow students to benefit from reading your work as well.

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