I know I say this every class, but thanks for another amazing class! It’s amazing to hear about your insights and transformations- you are doing amazing work!
Here are some focal points for you the next week, with the overarching theme being inhaling to dissolve and exhaling to brighten at the heart- in poses, in meditation, and in Savasana. Notice how this helps you become aware of samskaras and release doership!
-explore backwards breathing in your asana practice
-try reversing any habitual breathing and see what happens :)
-notice the psoas and diaphragm as you exhale into backbends (and exhale in general)
-notice the back body, spine, and diaphragm as you explore inhaling into twists and forward folds
-In movements where you usually notice the concentric shortening of a muscle (ie the rectus abdominus in a crunch) try bringing extra attention to the muscle teams that are lengthening. Notice if this helps you release doership and find a sense of effortless effort
The next time we meet, please be prepared to teach the following:
4-5 minutes exploring backwards breathing and releasing doership.
You can use the exercises we did in class, or come up with your own.