Homework for this Section, please focus on the following:
1) keep working with your psoas, especially if you feel like that’s benefitting you
2) if there are other things that have been breakthrough moments for you, keep exploring them, for example- Sithara keep playing with your buoyant Malasana, Kirsten explore your effortless Virabhadrasana 3, Mom Keep doing those Quad exercises, Rhia keep paying attention to moving slowly and breathing more when you come up to avoid getting lightheaded, etc. etc
3) New from last week: bring awareness into the background- in meditation, in your yoga practice, and throughout your day
4) keep awakening Glutes and hams and letting them unite with their teammates with the exercises from class and perhaps new ways you discover!
5 ) play with the prompts from the slide below and let them expand into your own discoveries:
6) keep enjoying those slow roll ups, trying to feel the whole backline unite!
7) take the whole backline, and your expanded awareness into our advanced poses or other poses (Vira 3, Standing Splits, Hasta padangustasana, and Hanumanasana)
here is the link to last week’s class. The peak pose of this class was Hanumanasana so it will be a great opportunity to practice it workshop style, as I mentioned in our class. reminder to please send me your “book report” after watching class when you cannot attend live:
1. what was something new you noticed in your body
2. what is a movement you would like to remember
3. what was a cue that helped you