Essays & Presentations on the Breath
Assignment Checklist:
5 min/500 Word Essay Posted in Comments
Though our path to the breath will be unique to each of us, its good to remember to address these basic points in your presentation:
How have you discovered a deeper connection with your breath?
Why is the breath an important tool for meditation?
How do we use the Ham Sah or So Ham Mantra? What does this mantra mean? Continue to work with Previous Assignment of Free Writing to Produce your Essay
Write “(Take Centered Breath Here)” at two separate junctures in your essay
YouTube Link Posted with Essay
To Be Recorded & Uploaded to YouTube
A 5-minute oral presentation of your essay
Don’t forget to pause for your centered breath
Do your best to breathe through your nose while you teach in order to stay calm and focused
A 5-7 minute guided Breath-based meditation
Continue to Utilize the Guiding Meditation Worksheet to strengthen and clarity your guidance