Pre-Class Homework

  • Write a 500 word essay (5 minute presentation) on the role of the breath in meditation, as well as introducing the Ham Sah Practice

    • Though our path to the breath will be unique to each of us, its good to remember to address these basic points in your presentation:

      • How have you discovered a deeper connection with your breath?

      • Why is the breath an important tool for meditation?

      • How do we use the Ham Sah or So Ham Mantra? What does this mantra mean?

  • Guide a 5 minute Ham Sah breath meditation

    • Incorporate the Teaching Methods prompt for the week— focusing on the different components of guiding meditation. Print out and fill out the worksheet and use it to help you become more skillful in guiding your students to an experience of their breath.

  • Remember to post your essay in the comments section of the “Your Essay” blog post.

  • Thanks so much for your work! We look forward to your presentations and guided practice, Namaste!
