Homework & Yoga Class
Homework for this week:
Get on your mat at least 1x per day, even if it’s only for 5 minutes and ROLL. Generate an 8-minute sequence that includes the rolling and floor massage that you learned this week. That way, you’ll have a way to practice this/ bring it into your classes in the future when the material isn’t so fresh.
**Come ready to teach your favorite roll (it can be one we did together or one you discover!)*
Try Meditating at least 3x on your own. To aid you in this endeavor please utilize the recordings of Boddhichitta, Medicine Buddha mantra, and your guided meditation are up on the blog.
Remember, we’ve got a yoga class Live on Tuesday (link on the blog) and the recording will be posted on the blog and on our YouTube channel:
If you can’t come to yoga live, that’s okay, just take a moment to send me your responses to the following reflections:
1) One new thing you noticed in your body
2) One movement you’d like to remember
3) One cue that helped you