Bonus Practice: The Mantranōm
The Mantranōm
1008 Mantras in Your Pocket, and in Your Life.
What is MantranŌm? Basically its a metronome for mantra, but in reality its so so much more!
On the surface, the Mantranōm is a tool to help keep your focus on a mantra while you move about your day. Technically it is a simple metronome that has been crafted to have the right rhythm for your mantras, and to give you ample time to breathe between each one— an often overlooked, yet deeply important part, of mantra practice.
The intention is that the simplicity of the Mantranōm is its strength. It can be hard to listen to mantra based music over and over without tiring of the track, also, its hard to keep your focus on the track as the comings and goings of your daily life. That’s where the Mantranōm comes in, its meant to fade into the background of your life so you don’t get tired of it, while simultaneously keeping the seed of your mantra present in your ear.
All of this is abundantly clear the minute you press play on the Mantranōm. And as you let it play, you’ll be amazed at how many mantras you really can do in a day— I was truly blown away. The tracks are about an hour, and can run in the background of your apps, and even run while your phone is off! Just leave the Mantranōm running in your pocket while you do dishes, walk the dog, do yard work, surf the net— and let the mantras roll!
To start using the Mantranōm click on the button below, and then click on the “Mantranōm” link on the top of the page. The link will scroll you down the page to the actual downloadable files and the rest is spelled out for you there. To access the Mantranōm easily in the future, just click on the link “Practices and Podcasts” at the Konalani website and follow the same steps.
Namaste! And thank you to Sri Shambhavananda for giving us these empowered mantras to use during our day. Feel free to send him a little love energetically for the opportunity to grow as you start doing more and more mantra each day. Sad Guru Nath Maharaj Ki Jay!
Happy Mantras,
Acharya Satyam