Meditation Philosophy

Studhi Buddhi is a live-online ‘philosophy of meditation’ class led by Acharya’s Satyam and Abhaya that teaches you how to FEEL the practice of philosophy as an internal stretch that purifies your intellect, just like yoga purifies your body. It’s one part philosophy, one part meditation, and one part collaboration, as the active and vibrant sangha members of ShambhavAnanda Yoga unpack ancient texts like the Shiva Sutras and Vijnana Bhairava through the lens of their personal practice. For anyone seeking inspiration and education in their ongoing meditation journey, this class is a must.

If you enjoy the podcast, and would like to join us live, send us an email and we’ll see what’s possible!
click here to email us a request!

Pocket Sutras

When You Carry the Sutras, the Sutras Carry You. A pocket sized edition of this weeks class to promote deeper reflection within the context of your daily life and practice.

Meditation Philosophy Podcast Classes
